WordPress was originally a blogging platform which is made up of “posts”. But not every WordPress site is a blog site that contains posts. In fact, over half of the websites we design do not include any blog/posts. We prefer to keep the Admin and Dashboard area as clean as possible not only for ourselves but also for our clients. It helps me when logging into one of our managed sites to instantly know whether the site contains a blog or not if I see or not see the infamous “Posts” in the sidebar. It also limits possible confusion with our clients as unused functions are out of sight, out of mind. We’ve had to explain what the “Posts” button means to plenty of clients with blogless sites. This post explains how to remove the “post” post type from the backend/admin area altogether.

To remove posts from your WordPress site, add this code to your child theme’s functions.php file. (It’s always recommended to use a Child Theme as soon as you start doing any customization of your site files/functionality)
The above code removes the “post” functionality from:
- Sidebar Menu
- The top +New dropdown menu
- The dashboard “Quick Draft” widget
Originally posted by MITO Studios.